This is a development site. No information provided on this site should be considered a claim, all payments are processed in test mode.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to the questions we get asked most

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We've partnered with other service providers to bring you the Takeaway Assistant service with little additional cost. Here's our pricing..

We aim to be transparent with our charges while bringing you great service at market-leading prices. We support the development and maintenance of this service with small commissions from the payment provider we've partnered with - A few pennies here, a pound there - and we adopt this strategy with other elements of our service too.

We offer 24/7 live chat support accessible via our apps or the online dashboard. We take you through a short troubleshooting process to gather information about your issue before diverting you to the most suitable agent available.

We use your data to provide the service, and we use your data for our own analysis to improve on that service. We don't sell your data in any capacity.