This is a development site. No information provided on this site should be considered a claim, all payments are processed in test mode.

Our Solutions

Online Ordering System Included

Make it easy for your customers order from your takeaway.

On online ordering system gets your takeaway up and running online quickly and easily. All you need to do is fill in your company information, upload your menu and select your opening times and delivery fees, and you'll be ready to start selling online!

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Point Of Sale Included

Increase efficiency with a seamless checkout

Need to take orders at the counter? Say goodbye to scribbled orders and adding up your totals with an old calculator. Our POS software lets you select from your menu, adds up the total and even tells you how much change is due. All of this data is collected and collated for you to view in your reports later on.

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Kitchen Display Software Included

Better for the environment and better for your operation.

Takeaway Assistant is ready out-of-the-box for use as a fully-fledged Kitchen Display System. While we support IP printing to a wide range of printers, the #1 option for reliability and efficiency is being able to see and interact with your orders on screen.

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Printed Menu Designer Included

Design picture-perfect menus in a fraction of the time

Updating your menus no longer has to be a chore, Takeaway Assistant makes it easy to create, design and order your printed menus by pulling in your products and prices and providing a sleek interface to help you get the design just right.

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